Five years later, the Senate Chancellery of Hamburg and Kinondoni Municipal Council entered into the financing and implementation agreement for climate change mitigation as part of the ‘Construction of a composting plant for market waste’ project, which is supported by Engagement Global’s Service Agency Communities in One World. This project is being implemented on the basis of the Service Agency’s Programme to Support Municipal Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Projects (FKKP), using funds from the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
In April 2015 a first expert meeting was held in Dar es Salaam to prepare implementation. The site development works were commenced in summer 2015. This involved clearing and surveying the chosen site on the edge of a new commercial area being developed close to the northern boundary of Kinondoni. To link the site to the road, power and water supply networks, a site development plan was drawn up. Initially, a gravel track will be laid to serve as the access road. The power and water utilities have also planned the supply infrastructure for the plant.
Under the leadership of municipal experts from Hamburg and Kinondoni, the planning documents for approval of the plant have since been drawn up. The engineering concept envisages an actively ventilated windrow composting system with a membrane cover for the rainy season. Procurement of the equipment for the plant (wheel loader, truck, heap shifting equipment) has been commissioned, and the climate certification works have been launched as a Gold Standard project. The Project Design Document (PDD) was drawn up by the project partner atmosfair. At the same time work is under way – supported by local planning engineers – to get the detailed design and the tender documents ready in time, so that construction can begin in summer 2017 as planned.